How do I know if I need therapy?
As therapists, obviously we believe that it's always good to talk! However, that's why we offer our free consultation - have a chat with one of us about what's on your mind and you can decide from there. We'd never suggest therapy if we thought it wouldn't be the right thing. In addition, we may be able to direct you to more appropriate services instead.
How long is a session & how many will I need?
Although a therapeutic hour is traditionally 50 mins in the counselling world, our sessions are 60 minutes. As for how many - this can vary greatly. Some clients might have open ended sessions whilst others may achieve what they need in 6 or 8 sessions. Some clients may even find that one session is enough and single session therapy is something that we can offer from the start if it is appropriate. However, it's always up to the client and the therapist will check in regularly.
How much does it cost?
Individual therapy starts at £50 per hour and couples therapy at £75 per hour. For those who are in financial need, we have limited slots offering a 'pay what you can'. Please fill in our contact form and we can give you more information.
Can I ask to change my therapist if I don't feel I'm getting what I need?
Yes is the short answer. And if you still don't feel that you and your counsellor are a good fit, we have access to other therapists and therapy services where we are able to refer you and in addition may be able to suggest alternative routes for you.